
Miracle Minerals Facial Cleanser

Miracle Minerals Facial Cleanser


The Miracle Minerals Facial Cleanser when gently shaken, it’s cleansing suspension transforms into a detoxifying emulsion of precious essential herbs, vitamins, and minerals. Its cleansing properties detoxify the skin to unclog the pores while lifting away impurities, dead skin cells, and oils. With its antibacterial, anti-fungal properties alongside multi. vitamins A, C, E, B, and K to help ease symptoms of the skin allowing it to aid skin cells against sun damage, acne, pimples, blackheads, razor bumps, rashes, and eczema leaving the skin looking silky smooth and radiant. Safe enough for all skin types including dry, oily, and sensitive skin. Apply to dry skin to remove makeup, or apply with water for a milky, purifying wash. The complexion emerges hydrated, nourished, and purified.

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Apply a dime-sized amount to the skin. Rub in a circular motion to create an awesome lather. Rinse well then allow the skin to dry. Follow up with our Miracle Minerals Face Spray, and enjoy.

Care Instructions:
Can be stored at room temperature.

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